Did you know that 78% of all new Shopify Stores fail and close after 3-6 months?
The main reason: choosing the wrong Niche to start with store.
Once you do find a niche, how will you know if the potential of making a profit is high enough? Or if the market is already saturated, meaning that your chances to compete are Zero.
With my 12 year experience with Shopify, Amazon and eBay I will help you find a profitable niche and products for your Shopify store using my proven method and tools.
As a bonus, I will help you Target your marketing efforts with a list of countries that will boost your profits to the next level, saving you loads of money on marketing.
I will also share my experience and tools with you about marketing, how to name your Shopify Store, what makes a converting Shopify theme, how to choose the right products and so much more.

Click Here for a proposal & consultation.